
A damsel in progress: analyzing BioShock Infinite’s Elizabeth

From Peach to Zelda, the damsel in distress is a classic video game figure. Countless games have featured the helpless princess in need of rescuing, and despite its blatant sexism, the trope is still widely used. When Irrational Games’ BioShock: Infinite was released March 26th, female character Elizabeth seemed to be just another damsel in… Continue Reading →

Science vs. Dove: Thanks, but we are NOT our own worst beauty critics

This blog re-published with permission from Kjerstin Gruys, originally from her blog Mirror, Mirror… Off the Wall. So there’s this new Dove “Real Beauty Sketches” ad campaign, and I’m finally ready to say my piece about it. I watched the three-minute version and felt emotions swelling in my chest. I liked this cathartic feeling, so I immediately… Continue Reading →

Why Gabrielle Reece’s retro recipe for marital bliss is, uh, wrong

I’ve never really followed Gabrielle that closely, but she’s always been on my radar as a solid, inspirational role model for young women—someone strong, disciplined, and self-possessed. Someone who hasn’t been seduced by her own her fame and glamour. Given that the archetype of women that’s most often celebrated in the media is often complete… Continue Reading →

We encountered a true paradise

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Not asking for it: no matter what Rick Ross says

  All of this news about rape is making me sick. But what makes me even more sick is the fact that media also seem to promote rape. Take these two songs that have recently been on the Billboard Top 100 charts: Lil’ Wayne’s “Love Me” and Rick Ross’s “U.O.E.N.O”. It makes me sick to… Continue Reading →

Sexual Assault in the Media – SVU Spreads Awareness

Looking for a television show that empowers victims of sexual assault and spreads awareness about the issues? Then some Law and Order: Special Victims Unit is just what you need. We’re right in the middle of April, which is Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM). It has officially been observed nationally in the U.S. since 2001…. Continue Reading →

Maturing and menstruating with the media

For girls, growing up in the 21st century means contending with the media from a very young age. Be it Disney princesses or iPhone apps, the media’s influence is seemingly inescapable. But, what about getting your period? How do media messages affect girls’ perception of menstruation? I remember being thoroughly embarrassed as a kid by… Continue Reading →

Croods best ensemble movie since Incredibles. Take your kids!

This piece was originally published by Margot Magowan on her blog, Reel Girl. My three daughters, my niece, my sister, and I LOVED The Croods. From beginning to end, this movie is fantastic. The characters are great and the animation is gorgeous. The Croods is the best ensemble animated movie since The Incredibles, and like… Continue Reading →