
Lana Del Rey’s “Blue Jeans” video: More drowning than denim

Lana Del Rey’s recent video release for “Blue Jeans” is deeply disturbing on so many levels. The cover art preceding the video’s debut channeled a messed-up Little Mermaid meme where an inert Lana lies in a questionable stage of consciousness as a disembodied, tattooed hand stretches for her jugular. I guess I was hoping the… Continue Reading →

PETA – People for the Egregious Treatment of Adult (Women)

You’d think an organization like PETA — People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals — would be a proactive organization, readily supporting healthy, happy agendas to get people living healthier lifestyles. Right? Wrong. PETA is one of the worst culprits of objectification and sexualization of women. Somehow, PETA tries to equate pornographic images of half-naked… Continue Reading →

Who you callin’ a slut?

By now, you’ve probably heard that last January, a Toronto police officer told students that that they should avoid dressing like sluts in order to prevent being victimized. (Oh, yes he did.) Since then, “SlutWalks” have taken place in over 80 cities worldwide including New York, Boston, Dallas, Melbourne, and London to publicly protest the… Continue Reading →

Kanye West and his sexy, dead bitches in “Monster” video

So first of all, Kanye West, I want to tell you that I have spent so many hours defending your terrible behavior and your douchebag antics because your music is fantastic and creative and My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy totally deserved the 10.0 it got from Pitchfork. But after seeing your video for Monster, I… Continue Reading →