
PETA – People for the Egregious Treatment of Adult (Women)

You’d think an organization like PETA — People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals — would be a proactive organization, readily supporting healthy, happy agendas to get people living healthier lifestyles. Right? Wrong. PETA is one of the worst culprits of objectification and sexualization of women. Somehow, PETA tries to equate pornographic images of half-naked… Continue Reading →

Trending with toddlers: pole dancing?

Just when I thought parenting skills couldn’t become any more questionable, I come face-to-face with a new activity atrocity: pushing pole dancing for children, adolescents, and teens. I almost choked on my morning cereal (Don’t worry, it wasn’t Cheerios – I still can’t get behind their marketing mishaps) when I read a June 2011 article from… Continue Reading →

Miller revokes ‘man cards’ for men lite on manliness

The sexism of beer and other alcohol commercials has been well-documented by About-Face. So, I can’t say I was terribly surprised to see the line of the latest Miller Lite commercials. I’m referring to, of course, the series of advertisements that the company has been promoting as part of their “Un-Manly” campaign. I’m sure you’ve… Continue Reading →

Who you callin’ a slut?

By now, you’ve probably heard that last January, a Toronto police officer told students that that they should avoid dressing like sluts in order to prevent being victimized. (Oh, yes he did.) Since then, “SlutWalks” have taken place in over 80 cities worldwide including New York, Boston, Dallas, Melbourne, and London to publicly protest the… Continue Reading →

Miss Representation is exposing American media

[vimeo]http://vimeo.com/28066212[/vimeo]I have to be honest with you – I’m tired of seeing blog post after blog post depicting the fallacies of the media. I’m tired of reading about sexism, objectification, and disrespect. I’m tired of feeling hopeless about the state of gender representation in the media. Luckily, Jennifer Siebel Newsom’s new, edgy documentary Miss Representation… Continue Reading →