
The false empowerment of naked dresses

In May 2015, I wrote a blog for About-Face about Taylor Swift’s recently-released video for “Bad Blood.” In the post, I argued that the scantily clad women in the video were “devalued from being strong warriors to being traditionally sexy females with bodies that exist to be objectified.” I posted it to my personal social media pages, and… Continue Reading →

The Value of WANT: Women Against Negative Talk

“I can’t do that.” “It’s too hard.” “I’m fat.” As women, negative self-talk is all too common. Belittling and shaming ourselves seems to be an unfortunate and common part of being a woman in our society. This negativity can influence every aspect of our lives without us really realizing it. These default negative phrases can… Continue Reading →

Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day

Reading pretty much anything about girls and pop culture today, you would be forgiven for despairing over the incessant bombardment of messages about conforming to ideal body standards. But I’m here to tell you that there are some alternative messages filtering through to impressionable young girls. Exhibit A: Yep, some people actually want girls to… Continue Reading →