
PETA – People for the Egregious Treatment of Adult (Women)

You’d think an organization like PETA — People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals — would be a proactive organization, readily supporting healthy, happy agendas to get people living healthier lifestyles. Right? Wrong. PETA is one of the worst culprits of objectification and sexualization of women. Somehow, PETA tries to equate pornographic images of half-naked… Continue Reading →

Banned Super Bowl ad takes PETA from controversial to pornographic

PETA, I just…I can’t. Ladies and gentlemen, you are about to witness what happens when an ad campaign goes from controversial (yet debatably tasteful) exhibitionism to straight-up, soft-core pornography. A word to the wise: do not view this video at work, around small children, or in the presence of anyone with an ounce of respect for women… Continue Reading →

PETA pushes shock value. Again.

Newsflash PETA: Nudity and shock value are only novel for so long. I guess I can give PETA points for creativity and timeliness, but how many points do I subtract for consistent sexism, misogyny and, um…hardly ever depicting a single animal? The latest controversy-causing PETA ads poke fun at the body scan machines used at… Continue Reading →