
The Value of WANT: Women Against Negative Talk

“I can’t do that.” “It’s too hard.” “I’m fat.” As women, negative self-talk is all too common. Belittling and shaming ourselves seems to be an unfortunate and common part of being a woman in our society. This negativity can influence every aspect of our lives without us really realizing it. These default negative phrases can… Continue Reading →

We need to change more than clothes in the dressing room

Brace yourselves, everyone. I’m about to make a huge confession. I’m about to astound and confuse millions upon millions of people. I’m about to dispute the core of beliefs of department store marketers and romantic comedy writers. I’m a 22-year-old, warm-blooded American woman who does not enjoy shopping for clothes. Shocking, right? I’m a young… Continue Reading →

Plus Size Princess blog inspires body positivity

Although social media breeds negativity and outrageous haters, it also brings wonderful sites like Plus Size Princess to our attention. I found this website through a YouTube video about dating as a plus size female. Despite the fact that I am not plus size, I love to watch these videos to gain confidence. Reading About-Face’s… Continue Reading →