
The Hawkeye Initiative exposes sexism in comic book art

  The Hawkeye Initiative is the new trendy way to fight back against comic-book sexism. It all started when Tumblr user Hoursago re-drew a Marvel comics cover with Black Widow and Hawkeye’s positions switched. In the original, Black Widow is upside-down, her body in a contorted position and her legs in a split, whereas Hawkeye… Continue Reading →

Alpha Nail, for a more masculine nail polish option

Alpha Nail, a cosmetics company that claims it is for “Men and Fighters,” is filling the gap in the market for a male-oriented nail polish. What, you didn’t know the market needed male-oriented nail polish? Well, clearly you were mistaken, because men apparently have very specific nail polish needs that cannot be satisfied by mere normal lady polish…. Continue Reading →

Should women participate in No-Shave November?

We are currently deep in the throes of No-Shave November, also known as Movember, a combination of the word “November” with the word “mustache.” But we’re finding women are not invited. Movember is a movement for prostate cancer awareness, encouraging devotees to grow mustaches as a visible sign of support and donate money to the… Continue Reading →

Pitch Perfect: fat-friendly, fat-phobic

I was excited to see the movie Pitch Perfect, based solely on my love of a capella and a single clip from the trailer. The clip shows Australian actress Rebel Wilson introducing herself as “Fat Amy.” “You call yourself Fat Amy?” another character asks, and she replies, “Yeah, so twig bitches like you don’t do… Continue Reading →