
Reese Witherspoon slams sex tape stars at MTV Movie Awards

“And if you took naked pictures of yourself on your cell phone, you hide your face, people.” No, that’s not Reese Witherspoon‘s public service announcement on the antics of Anthony Weiner (seriously, that man will never live down that name or those tweets). It’s the actress’s plea to young starlets who (like Mr. Weiner), are… Continue Reading →

What’s age (and weight) got to do with the Oscars?

Admit it, you would have dropped the f-bomb too. After winning the Best Supporting Actress Oscar at Sunday’s Academy Awards, Melissa Leo blurted out the expletive, along with a slew of more G-rated words of gratitude. Yet no one can seem to let Leo off the hook for last month’s self-promotional “Consider” ads she personally paid for… Continue Reading →