
Trending with toddlers: pole dancing?

Just when I thought parenting skills couldn’t become any more questionable, I come face-to-face with a new activity atrocity: pushing pole dancing for children, adolescents, and teens. I almost choked on my morning cereal (Don’t worry, it wasn’t Cheerios – I still can’t get behind their marketing mishaps) when I read a June 2011 article from… Continue Reading →

Yves Saint Laurent sells hope in a jar with Forever Young Liberator

Women don’t really fall for the outrageous claims of beauty products… do they? You know that saying “There’s truth in humor”? Well, it’s never been more accurate than in the hilarious send-up that positions Adobe Photoshop’s technology as a fancy, Euro (“by Adobé”) beauty product. What’s so great about the spoof (as further detailed in this… Continue Reading →

Georgia’s Strong4Life campaign relies heavily on fat-shaming

There is no denying childhood obesity is a growing concern. The CDC reports that one-third of American children and adolescents are overweight or obese. The health ramifications of an unhealthy lifestyle, especially one that begins in childhood, are severe. Seventy percent of obese minors had at least one risk factor for cardiovascular disease, and obese children and… Continue Reading →