
Training video shows simplicity of photoshopping bodies

Altering images via Photoshop has become so commonplace that the simple, all-encompassing term “Photoshopping” is now understood by just about everyone. But what exactly is Photoshopping, and how easy is it to do? This video, from the well-respected software training website lynda.com, shows exactly how to achieve a Photoshopped body in just a few clicks… Continue Reading →

Fit Mom’s publicity undermines her message

If you haven’t heard about the body-shaming sensation that is “Fit Mom,” here’s a primer: Maria Kang, from Sacramento, California, is a self-employed mother of three boys. She owns two residential care homes for the elderly, and she founded a nonprofit called Fitness Without Borders. In September 2013, Kang posted a photo on her Facebook… Continue Reading →

Think only white women get eating disorders? Think again.

In popular culture, stories of eating disorders are dominated by white women. But what about the other sufferers? Women of color have been sidelined in eating disorder funding and research, and have therefore been underestimated in our perception of the affected demographic. In the new Slate article “Eating disorders do not discriminate“, Michelle Konstantinovsky explores… Continue Reading →

Here’s what happens when women decide to love themselves

Taryn Brumfitt first made a broad impact online with her response to Maria Kang’s controversial “What’s your excuse?” image. Then she quit her day job to focus on her growing mission, the Body Image Movement. The Body Image Movement is “on a quest to redefine and rewrite the ideals of beauty.” It aims to do this… Continue Reading →